Revitalize your home with our expert interior painting services. From refreshing a single room to transforming your entire space, The Paint Guys deliver flawless finishes and vibrant results tailored to your style
Enhance your home's curb appeal with our professional exterior painting services. The Paint Guys use durable, weather-resistant paints to protect your property while giving it a fresh, polished look.
Restore and protect your outdoor spaces with our deck repair, painting, and staining services. The Paint Guys ensure your deck looks beautiful and stands strong against the elements for years to come.
Give your home's exterior a deep clean with our power washing services. Our team of professionals will remove dirt, grime, and mildew to reveal a fresh, clean surface. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.
Achieve smooth, flawless walls and polished spaces with our drywall, trim, and finish work services. From patching and repairs to expert finishing and precise trim installation, The Paint Guys deliver exceptional craftsmanship for a refined, professional look.
Transform your space from the ground up with our professional flooring services. The Paint Guys provide expert installation and finishing to ensure beautiful, durable floors that elevate your home or business
The Paint Guys are your go-to local painting experts, proudly serving the Lakes Region of Southern Maine and the Greater Portland area. Fully insured and committed to quality, we make it our mission to provide reliable, top-notch service that leaves your home or business looking its best.
We specialize in interior and exterior painting and staining, delivering results that are both beautiful and long-lasting. Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint, staining a deck, or giving your space a whole new look, we’re here to make the process easy and stress-free.
Give us a call—we’d love to help bring your vision to life!
Please complete the form with as many details as possible and attach photos of your project, if available. We look forward to reviewing your submission and discussing it further with you.
If you prefer to speak with us directly, please give us a call. We’d be happy to discuss your project in person.
(570) 423-5466
(207) 409-8296
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